Tuesday, July 30, 2013

What do you want from me?

So I was wondering, what all should I post here?  I have the list of books I need to review, I'm going to post reviews, but what else?  Should I do author profiles?  Free books that I find are available?  What do you think?  I'd love to hear your opinions!

First review should be posted later tonight.  Until then!  :-)

He's So Into You by Roxy Wilson

Five years ago, Jordan Cooper was injured and lost the love of his life. Raina Abbott left an emotionally abusive relationship last year. He hasn't made any real progress to move on with his life, but she has made some. Could the plan of their best friends to get them both together help them get the healing they both need?I really liked this story. Sure, it was short, I wanted more, but that's usually the case with any good short story. I do wonder if this story was rushed by the publisher at all, I would've liked to have seen more about the accident. I'm not really sure I liked the words chosen to describe parts of the sex scenes, but that's me, others may find them perfect. If I could give partial stars, I'd probably give a 3.5, but Amazon doesn't allow that, so I'm rounding up, especially since there are some low negative scores...
I got this book for free, so the price was more than worth it, lol. Whether or not the current price could be too much for 50 pages is really the buyer's decision, though I'm told the author rarely has any control over that, so I won't hold that against her.

Amazon  (UK)    Barnes & Noble    Goodreads    Smashwords    About the Author

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The Gatekeeper's Sons by Eva Pohler

Audiobook tour button
4 of 5 Stars

Oh wow, where do I start?! I love this author! Eva Pohler has a gift for making the reader emotionally attached to the characters, in a matter of PAGES! I love the fact that she's an English teacher, I can be confident that my brain will never stumble over something in her books. Can't even stress how important that is to me, lol. Now on to the book!

Therese Mills is a 15 year old girl who watches her parents die, right in front of her. If things had happened just a little differently, she would've died too. In a coma for a week, with an amazing gift for lucid dreaming, Therese meets the gods Hypnos and Thanatos. Hip is fascinated by her dreaming skills. After one kiss, she about sweeps Than off of his feet, causing him to make a deal with his father Hades that will change both of their lives forever!

I loved this book! I can't wait to start the next one! If I did partial stars...this would get more than a 4. Not quite a 5 though, I save that for another amazing book this author has written. She really has a way with writing, from describing Than's first experiences, to the personalities given to Therese's pets, lol! I just love her writing and can't wait to read more. I, like another reviewer friend of mine, just don't understand how this author is not more well known! She is an awesome writer, and hands-down better than many of the more mainstream writers that I've read in my life! I hope this author continues writing for many years to come! I can't wait to see what she will come up with next!

Eva Pohler's Website    Twitter    Facebook    Blog    Bio

7/29 Review Hot Off the Shelves 
7/29 Promo Night Owl Reads 
7/30 Promo Chris Redding Author 
7/31 Review The Book Maven 
7/31 Review Words I Write Crazy   
8/7 Review Reading... Dreaming

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Bound to Me by Jeannette Medina

4 out of 5 Stars

Veronica (Ronnie) has had a hard life. Her father left several years ago, and her mother never fully recovered, leaving her to make bad choices in men. On her 18th birthday, Ronnie decides to get a tattoo to celebrate. This tattoo turns out to be far more special than she could ever imagine...

While it was short, I really enjoyed reading this book. The story was great and it was hard to put down, so I read it in one sitting. Thank goodness it was short, or I would've been up all night! I give this four stars only because I have yet to see an absolutely perfect book, this left me a little disappointed that it was over, but definitely wanting more. I can't wait to read more of this author's work. She's sure to provide us with many more great stories.

Amazon  (UK)    Barnes & Noble    Goodreads    About the Author

Monday, July 8, 2013

What was I thinking?!

So, I let a friend of mine talk me into starting a blog...  Who knew it took so much effort just to START one?!  LOL, so now I'm working on making an awesome background image for my page.  Which is taking kinda forever, lol, but nothing that's worth it happens immediately, right?

As soon as I figure out the background situation, which is cutting into my reading time more than I thought, I'll start posting my reviews.  I already have a couple that I've read already, just waiting for this pic to be done so I can post it!  

A majority of the books that I read for pleasure are Paranormal Romance, but I'm accepting all genres for reviews.  I already have a crazy long list of books that I need to read, and as soon as I figure out the best way to do it, I'll be posting my list on here.  :-D  

Have an awesome day!