Andrew Lyons needs to get out of his sister’s apartment, and a Craigslist posting may be the answer to his prayers. But what he thought was an ad for a room rental turns into a job offer he can’t refuse. Accepting the nanny position could change his life, if only he had a clue how to be a grownup.
A working mother, a shirtless “manny” who looks good in a towel, two children who need more than a babysitter, and hours of kids’ TV can only spell disaster for everyone involved. Because a manny should always mind his own business. And he definitely shouldn’t fall in love with his boss.
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OMG, I LOVED this book! The way the author writes the kids, just too cute. I love their antics! The adult scenes are super hot! I laughed so hard, and cried a few times too, this book is just awesome! I would actually read it again, and there are not too many books that I can say that about.
If she’s not at her desk, with her boys, or behind the computer, she’s supporting live music with her arms raised above her head and her eyes closed, waiting for the drop.
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Ah! This review made me so happy. Thank you! And I appreciate you being part of my blog tour <3